What you get

When you buy online learning

  • 2.5 hours of high quality videos to watch over 30 days

  • Downloadable and printable documents to put in your salon

  • Two way learning - ask Sophia and the education team any questions in our private online forum

  • A certificate of your graduation

What is covered

Bootcamp key topics

How social media can grow you or your business - the basics
How to brand yourself or your salon from scratch or up to the next level
How to make your account look for 'beautiful' like those you see online
How to style hair for Instagram
How to take the perfect picture
How to write captions when writing is not your 'thing'

Why improve

your social media?

Do you feel like you need someone to take you through the basics of social media? Are you doing it but don't really know why? Are you struggling to take the perfect picture  and feel like other salon's taking over you?  Is your work good but it's just not showing up on camera?  I can help because I once felt exactly like that and now i'm one one the most followed salons and stylists on Instagram!

  • It gives a flow of new clients
  • It helps with recruitment
  • It keeps you ahead of competitors
  • Used correctly, it can make you money

Important notice: The course covers information that would be applicable to all social media platforms, however we mainly focus on Instagram as it is the preferred platform for hairdressers to gain new clients.

Your educator

Sophia Hilton

Sophia Hilton created the second most followed salon in the UK in only 6 months from scratch and she is followed as a hairstylist, educator, business leader, career and mother . Her social media education became so popular that she taught seminars of over 350 people across the, Ireland, Scotland, England and the rest of the world over 5 years.

Her online social media courses are biggest selling in the UK, educating 1500 people in the last 18 months alone!

This inspired her to create a monthly membership club of ongoing social media mentorship called Not Another Social where they currently assist and consult and guide 150 salons across the world.
Sophia Hilton


  • £100 + VAT

    💻 Online Education


    Everything you need to master your social media
    BUY NOW!
  • 3 x £33.33 + VAT

    📅 Online Education - Payment Plan


    Everything you need to master your social media

    Spread your cost into 3 payments of £33.33.
    BUY NOW!

Individual FAQs

  • How long can I access the online course?

    You will have 1 months access to the online-learning from when you receive your course enrolment details.

  • Can share my log in with other people?

    Our enrollment is 'per person' and is not to be shared. This is strict in our term and conditions and something that can be monitored when logging in from different devices. Your login is unique and your own, and tracks your online journey.

  • How can I pay?

    You can make payment securely for online learning, live-stream and in-person courses. You can use a credit/debit card.

  • How can I cancel?

    We do not offer cancelations as this is a one off purchase that gives access to this course for one month paid up-front or access to a live-stream event.

  • If I buy online + live, how do I access the live session?

    Once you have purchased you can access the live-stream session within our online learning platform. All instructions will be viewable once you buy. On the day you'll be automatically logged in into the Zoom call via our secure system.

Salon Pass FAQs

  • How long can I and my team access the online course?

    They will have 1 month from the moment they receive their log-in details.

  • I have 5 members of staff and we all want to go on the course, would this be good for me?

    Absolutely, buy in bulk and you save £££

  • I don't have 5 members of staff but I do have 3, do you have a deal for me?

    Sadly not, our bulk tickets are for a minimum of 5. You will need to book individually, or join forces with a friend or another salon.

  • If I book on my email, what will happen? Will I need to share something with them?

    Once booked, with-in moments you will receive your personal log in for yourself. After that, we will contact you via email and ask you for the email addresses of your team to set up their unique log in details which will be sent to you with-in a few days.

Academy Reviews

What people really think (they like it!)

5 star rating

Kick Ass Course

lynette murray

Brilliant insight and taught me so much about my instagram I didn't know. Excited to move forward xo

Brilliant insight and taught me so much about my instagram I didn't know. Excited to move forward xo

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5 star rating

Simple, informative & engaging

Joanne Whalan

Videos were easy to watch and entertaining. I am old school and have avoided online courses as I prefer face to face learning. I got more out of this cours...

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Videos were easy to watch and entertaining. I am old school and have avoided online courses as I prefer face to face learning. I got more out of this course than any other I have attended. Bloody brilliant !!!!!! Jo-Anne Kulture Shock Hair Studio

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4 star rating


Carol Becky Swift

Great course! I really wanted tips for taking photos and got SO SO much useful info ...learned a lot about social media....big value for the money!!

Great course! I really wanted tips for taking photos and got SO SO much useful info ...learned a lot about social media....big value for the money!!

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