What you get

When you buy this course and start your learning journey

  • 10 videos ( 4 hours of learning) to watch in your own time

  • A downloadable workbook to make your work and life plan

  • Advice on where to go next, what to read, what to buy, who to ask for help

  • Two way learning - ask Sophia and the education team any questions in our private online forum

  • A certificate of your graduation

Key topics

Together we will cover these essential topics

How to decide what is really important in your life
How to question if what you’re doing is really what you want?
How to work out what you want in life is what you’re really willing to give
How to create a map for yourself to hold you tight when you’re lost.
How to avoid over giving energy to others without giving enough to yourself
How to work out how are you feeling when your emotions are a mess
How to connect to people that don’t have trouble communicating

How to look at all of those things that you hate about yourself and learn to love them, yes even the really shitty bits

How to get yourself out of a shitty mood
100% honesty from me about what a shit show business can be

Who this course is for

To be a business owner takes huge inner strength. Often you give so much it’s hard to remember to give something back to yourself. Fuck the breakeven sheets, why is no-one talking about the breakeven of your mind? No matter what is happening in your business, if you don’t have the inner strength to cope with what is going to be thrown at you- nothing will matter.

If you are feeling like you need more tools to deal with the shit ahead then this course will help you. If you are feeling a bit alone, unsupported our out of your depth-join the club. Or if you just need a royal kick up the arse to get you ready to go smash it at your future, I can help you. With no airs and graces, all truthful, real and no faffy bullshit.

This course is predominantly aimed at entrepreneurs, business owners and leaders. Those that give so much, that someone needs to give back to them. 

Meet your educator

Founder Sophia Hilton

Sophia Hilton, founder of the Not Another Brand has 4 businesses across 4 industries including a hair salon, an education company, a social media consultancy company and retail. Winning more awards in one year than any other company in the history of her sector, the Not Another Brand boasts trophies in marketing, business, entrepreneurship and Innovation.

Sophia has taught across Europe, China, Australia, South Africa and India, in hairdressing, business and wellbeing. An online advocate for being truly oneself, she made a name for herself by sharing techniques and tips online for wellbeing, balancing stress and business.

But that is not the main reason for her online popularity. Its the brutally honesty about the realities of business that really makes her followers feel not alone. Pair that with a willingness to be vulnerable and expose her faults in front of hundreds of thousands of people and you can see why Sophia attracts so many to share her learnings.



    Ready to turbocharge your upcoming year? We are ready and can't wait to hear what you think!
    BUY NOW!

    Ready to turbocharge your upcoming year? We are ready and can't wait to hear what you think!

    Spread your cost into 3 payments of £50.
    BUY NOW!


  • Is what I will learn only helpful for work?

    Not at all. The feedback we get is that almost everything you learn is applicable to all aspects of your life, from your friendships, your relationship to parenting.

  • Can I do this over time so it can fit in with my busy schedule?

    Yes, of course. The course is broken into 4 parts and I really recommend you space it out over at least 4 days. However, I can't stress enough that you must do this alone and in peace from distractions. It can be emotional and takes a lot of thought. Childcare if required) is a must if you really want to get the value you deserve.

  • How long can I access the course?

    You will have access to the course, videos and support materials for one month from the moment you pay.

  • Can share my log in with other people?

    Our enrollment is 'per person' and is not to be shared. This is strict in our term and conditions and something that can be monitored when logging in from different devices. Your login is unique and your own, and tracks your online journey.

  • How can I pay?

    You can make payment securely for online learning and in-person courses. You can use a credit/debit card.

  • How can I cancel?

    We do not offer cancelations as this is a one off purchase that gives access to this course for one month paid up-front.