What you get

When you buy this course

  • 4 hours of high quality videos to watch over 30 days

  • Quiz to test your knowledge, downloadable workbooks and step by step guides!

  • Downloadable consultation documents to manage your clients expectations

  • Two way learning - ask Sophia and the team any questions in a private online forum

  • A certificate of your graduation.

  • The opportunity to go on an all day practical course after the online education for heads on learning too!

No breakage, no banding, and no brassiness

If you weren’t given strong bleach education in college or feel you have just winged it — you are not alone! This is why we created Bleach Specialist.

The comprehensive scalp bleach education you always wanted- but never bloody got!

We’re being really honest about all our successes and mistakes and what they’ve taught us because we know we can stop you making the same mistakes.

Yes we teach you the theory but more importantly, we are giving you practical advice, so you can get these things done in commercial timings!

What we need in our life is - NO DRAMA!

What's on the course

No breakage, no yellow and no stress!

Precision bleaching
3 techniques! Regrowth, Long regrowth application, and full head bleach!
The science of bleaching
Consultation skills to manage clients expectations and take the pressure off you
How to make a good income out of bleach and tone services

Procedures you can take back to the salon to make sure you always bleach safely, without damage and without getting sued!


Toning for every level of lift!

🙏 Transparent education with live models where we show you every part of real life drama through the process. If we need to re-tone we will show it, if it doesn’t go to plan we will expose is it.  Difficult models that reflect your clients

Meet your educator

Sophia Hilton

Named by her fans as the 'queen of colour' Sophia is one of the most in demand educators in the UK. She has worked across 10 countries worldwide helping hairdressers learn practical things they can actually take back to the salon. It's not just the creative side she loves, it's the business!

'It's all very well going to a course and seeing something really creative but if you can't use it back with your clients then what's the bloody point?'

Creative yet practical, Sophia kick started her colour career by winning the the L'0real colour Trophy. She now has many accolades to her name including Creative Head’s Colour Expert of the Year three times in a row meaning she can no longer enter and is put into the hall of fame with a Legend Award. @hiltonsophia
Sophia Hilton



    Everything from the theory to practical advice, so you can stop winging it and STEP UP!
    BUY NOW!


  • What is the difference between Bleach Specialist and Dark Bases?

    Both courses have the same theory lessons. The main difference is the models that we work on. Our Classic Bleach specialist course covers a variety of lighter and darker (natural base 4-7) on all hair types from Caucasian, Asian to Afro Caribbean /curly/coil texture. It is perfect if you want an all round bleaching course that gives you the confidence to bleach all hair types. Our Bleach Specialist Dark Bases course covers only dark bases (mainly base 4 and below). So if your clientele is mainly bases 5 and below, you will benefit from doing the Bleach Specialist Dark Bases course as there is more information on dark bases and all the models are at this depth.Can I get a discount if I go on both courses?

  • Can I get a discount if I go on both courses?

    Yes! Just choose one of them and within the course we will provide you with a 50% discount code for the other! This code will be given as you work through the course, don't worry you won't miss it.

  • Do you cover highlights or balayage on the Bleach Specialist course?

    No, both the Classic Bleach Specialist and Bleach Specialist Dark Bases courses are for scalp bleach application only. However all of the theory on damage, lift and toning can be used every time you use bleach.

  • Do you only do light bases on the Classic Bleach Specialist course?

    On our Classic Bleach Specialist course we have a mixture of some lighter and some darker bases. We want to give you a variety of hair depths and types so you feel confident tackling any client that sits in your chair.

  • Do you do any textured hair on your Bleach Specialist course?

    We have textured hair on our Classic Bleach Specialist course only.

  • I’ve already done the Dark base Bleach Specialist for Dark Bases, is it worth me doing the Classic Bleach Specialist course?

    If you have any clients who are lighter than a base 5 or would like to grow that type of clientele then yes, it's absolutely worth it! We also have a model with textured hair on our Classic Bleach Specialist course that we don’t have on the dark base version. So if you would like the confidence to bleach all hair types and depths, then we would recommend doing both courses. Even more importantly is the fact that you get another month to go over all of the theory! So if you want to review it all again and refresh yourself, that’s a great option! Don't forget you can get a 50% discount to go on the second one! - Discount code is available in the course for the second one 1/2 price!

  • How long can I access the course?

    You will have access to the course, videos and support materials for one month from the moment you pay.

  • Can share my log in with other people?

    Our enrollment is 'per person' and is not to be shared. This is strict in our term and conditions and something that can be monitored when logging in from different devices. Your login is unique and your own, and tracks your online journey.

  • How can I pay?

    You can make payment securely for online learning and in-person courses. You can use a credit/debit card.

Academy Reviews

What people think of our other courses

5 star rating

This was brilliant

Bethan Barber

This was a brilliant course really easy to understand I learnt so much thank you!

This was a brilliant course really easy to understand I learnt so much thank you!

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5 star rating


Rebecca Green

Amazing online course, I feel confident to apply all skills and tips I've learnt and can't wait to get back in my salon to start creating. Thank you Sophia ❤️

Amazing online course, I feel confident to apply all skills and tips I've learnt and can't wait to get back in my salon to start creating. Thank you Sophia ❤️

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5 star rating


Jane Wood

I really enjoyed this course. I has filled me full of ideas to get more creative. the course structure was enjoyable and easy to follow. Now let this bloody ...

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I really enjoyed this course. I has filled me full of ideas to get more creative. the course structure was enjoyable and easy to follow. Now let this bloody lockdown be over so I can start making the world a more colourful place!!!

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5 star rating

Freaking amazing 🤩

Abigail Walker

Couldn’t have asked for better! Filled with loads of great information, I think you covered everything I could think of and can’t wait to try this out.

Couldn’t have asked for better! Filled with loads of great information, I think you covered everything I could think of and can’t wait to try this out.

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Ready to learn?

Everything from the theory to practical advice, so you can stop winging it and step up!